Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bush to Speak To Democrats At Their Annual Retreat

   Today, Saturday, should be an interesting day for President Bush as he goes into the lions den to address the U.S. House of Representatives Democrats at their annual retreat. This is the first time that Bush has done this in his six years as 'Idiot in Chief'.

    When Bush is finished speaking, he and the Democrats will have a private meeting so that the newly placed House and Senate can question the president.

Reuters )- By Richard Cowan Feb 3,2007

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) has chosen five fellow Democrats to quiz Bush, and the Iraq war is expected to be high on their agenda.

"The war, the war, the war," Pelosi told reporters on Friday when asked what rank-and-file Democrats had on their minds at the retreat.

   I'm wondering if Speaker Pelosi and the other five interrogators plan on slapping Bush around a bit in order to get him to open his ears. He and his Vice Idiot (Cheney) have said that they will do with the war as they please, no matter what the Congress or the American people think

    I see Bush probably trying to work out some sly deal so that the Iraq war funding stays intact and I do not see Bush as caring all to much about the health care, immigration, and energy agenda that he so proudly spoke of in his State of the Union speech last month.

     He's had six years to deal with these issues and he's only mentioning them to appease the Democrats so that he can keep his Iraq/Iran war funding from drying up.

For all the talk of bipartisanship, six years of political infighting between Democrats and Bush has taken a toll. Some House Democrats have been asking, "Why is he (Bush) coming" to their retreat, Hoyer said.


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