Thursday, February 01, 2007

Iran,Iraq And the Rest Of The Bullshit

     The following is a brief tour of what's up with the White house and the middle east.

From Dailykos

How To Start A War

by Devilstower
Thu Feb 01, 2007

Suppose you wanted to start a war.  Forget for a second about why you might want to do this.  Maybe you're trying to distract the public from the disastrous way in which you handled your last conflict.  Maybe you are still intent on fulfilling your messianic vision of yourself as reshaper of the Middle East and bringer of the Apocalypse.  Maybe you're just an ass.  Who can say?  But if you wanted to start this war, can you name some steps you might take?  

How about blaming your opponent for all your troubles, even when you know they're not responsible for all, or even most, of what you're seeing?     Entire Article

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Entire Article

Kirkuk: The Next Civil War?

by BarbinMD
Thu Feb 01, 2007

Buried near the bottom of Iraq's Constitution, it says that:

...the Transitional Administrative Law shall extend and continue to the executive authority elected in accordance with this constitution, provided that it completes (normalization and census and concludes with a referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed territories to determine the will of their citizens), in a period not to exceed (the thirty first of December two thousand and seven). 


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