Friday, February 02, 2007

Iraq and Bush's Lies on the Escalation

A new report  by the Congressional Budget Office found that the administration's request for just over 20,000 combat troops would require a deployment of as many as 28,000 additional personnel, including support and logistics troops and contractors

On Bush's sending an additional 20,000 troops to Iraq we have this from the Washington Post,

"That could mean the plan would involve up to 48,000 troops and contractors, at a cost of between $9 billion and $13 billion for the first four months and up to $27 billion for the first year." The report contradicts testimony given Congress just last week by the Army Chief of Staff.

   I guess that Bush conveniently forgot the extras that would be needed for this fiasco. Of course, Bush also understated the cost of this escalation by saying that it would only cost some $3 billion.

Equipment For Added Troops Is Lacking

New Iraq Forces Must Make Do, Officials Say

By Ann Scott Tyson

Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Boosting U.S. troop levels in Iraq by 21,500 would create major logistical hurdles for the Army and Marine Corps, which are short thousands of vehicles, armor kits and other equipment needed to supply the extra forces, U.S. officials said.

The increase would also further degrade the readiness of U.S.-based ground forces, hampering their ability to respond quickly, fully trained and well equipped in the case of other military contingencies around the world and increasing the risk of U.S. casualties, according to Army and Marine Corps leaders.

       "New Iraqi Forces Must Make Do," is what the officials are saying.

    They will not have the armor, vehicles or equipment needed. I wonder, will our people have the bullets for their machine guns and so forth?

   Somebody needs to slap that bitch up in the White House up beside his damned head and wake him the fuck up! Sending under -equipped troops into war is like going to a gun fight with a knife as your weapon!

    What planet is this dumbass living on because it sure the hell is not planet earth? This piece of slime needs to go and crawl back under his rock so someone can step on it!

                               IMPEACH! INDICT! IMPRISON!


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