Thursday, February 01, 2007

Senate Reaches Compromise On Bush troop Plan

    So the Democrat and Republican Senators reached a compromise on Wednesday on the non-binding resolution against Bush's Iraq war plans.

Senators Unite On Challenge to Bush's Troop Plan

Washington Post
Thursday, February 1, 2007

Democratic and Republican opponents of President Bush's troop-buildup plan joined forces last night behind the nonbinding resolution with the broadest bipartisan backing: a Republican measure from Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia.

He added language specifically opposing a cutoff of funding for U.S. troops in a targeted appeal to Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), who had offered an identical separate measure.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) went further, publicly hinting she will push binding legislation that would begin bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq. "I believe that you'll see initiatives on the floor to this effect: that we have this year in which we should be able to drastically reduce the number of troops," she said in an interview broadcast on National Public Radio yesterday.     Entire Article

     Let us examine this 'compromise' shall we?

    The new, revised resolution states the senates opposition to the Bush troop increase but at the same time it protects the troop funding. Left out of the resolution was the language that the Democrats had originally wanted inserted saying that Bush's plan is against the national interest.

The score is : GOP 2, Dems 0 in the compromise tally. Okay, we'll give the Dems 1 because Warner left out language for Senate support for more additional troops. GOP 2, Dems 1.

   I would have no problem with this resolution if not for the language opposing the cutoff of funding for our troops. This works to the GOP advantage in case the war takes an ugly turn for the worst and the Democrats then grow a spine and start hollering for a funding cutoff.

   The constitution gives the Congress the power to stop this insanity and to bring our people home and it should be done now!

    I did not vote for my candidates to make it into office and to then turn into jellyfish and to go cower in a corner. Myself and the American people put you to work to bring our men and women home! NOW! What part of that do you not understand?

    You Democrats will have a short career if you keep this shit up!


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