Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Catholic Church Still Ripping Off Victims

Yahoo News

By ALLISON HOFFMAN, Associated Press Writer Wed Feb 28,2007

SAN DIEGO - The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection a few hours before it was to go to trial Wednesday in the first of more than 140 lawsuits accusing priests of sexual abuse.

The bankruptcy filing, put in at five minutes to midnight, automatically halted the court proceedings.

In a letter posted on the diocese's Web site, Bishop Robert H. Brom said the diocese made its decision because any damage awards in the earlier trials could deplete "diocesan and insurance resources" and leave nothing for other victims.

The diocese claimed in the filing late Tuesday $95.7 million in property holdings and another $60.4 million in liquid assets, including stocks, bonds and operating accounts.

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      This is one of the reason that I have a problem with the Catholic church. The church has spent numerous years hiding and moving these priests around from one place to another to avoid having to deal with the priests sexual abuse problems and now that the church has been found out and sued for their misdeeds, they want to claim bankruptcy to avoid paying these people that they have let be abused while the church leaders looked the other way! What a crock.

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