Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tony Snows Says Troops Can Get Desert Training In Iraq Instead Of California

   Here is a bit off the White House press briefing that usually features the Bush Crime Family's favorite spokesman ( our fav comedian ) Tony Snow. I'd be bored to tears sometime if it wasn't for this dumbass!

   Note Snow's answer to where our troops are  going to get training for Iraq if not in the deserts of California where it is usually done.

    This punk is as pathetic as the rest of the White House.

Q There was also a report this morning that two Army combat brigades are being sent to Iraq without desert training -- the Associated Press has a story out today -- and that it's because they're being rushed to Iraq to help get the surge in place.

MR. SNOW: Again, let me stress, what happens is, a lot of times you will also do training in theaters, as well as equipping in theater. The generals have made it very clear, and military commanders have made it clear, nobody is going to go into combat activity without proper equipment and training. Period. So if things --

Q But the story flatly says that two brigades are going in without desert training in California. So that doesn't sound like --

MR. SNOW: All right, I understand.

Q -- they're getting the training.

MR. SNOW: Well, but they can get desert training elsewhere, like in Iraq.


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Q I think that's pretty well-known, but is your muscular naval foreign policy toward Iran boomeranging in terms of Congress and so forth?

MR. SNOW: No, as a matter of fact, I think what you're seeing is -- we have two carrier battle groups in the region, but I think if you take a look, for instance, at the David Ignacious piece today in The Washington Post, what you see there is a reflection of the success of diplomatic efforts when it comes to the Iranians.

The President has made it really clear -- and I don't know why everybody seems determined to try to turn this into a military standoff --

Q He put a naval officer in charge of all the ground troops in Iraq.

MR. SNOW: Well, yes. No, actually, the person in charge of the ground troops in Iraq is David Petraeus. The person -- you're talking about Fox Fallen, of course, who is a naval officer who is the head of Central Command. In any event, I'm just trying to clarify. These are important distinctions to make and we tried to make them.