Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ann " Vixen of Venom " Coulter and The Republican Show Of Ignorance

    We all know by now about the Ann Coulter speech in which she referred to John Edwards as a 'faggot' more or less proving that Ann Coulter is as ignorant as she looks.

   Yet Coulter and the rest of the Republican pundits still insist that this group is loaded up with Christians and that they hold dear to the " right " values as God would have them to do.

   If this is going to be the doctrine of the religious right and the rest of their supporters ( Bush Department of Constitutional Shredding,Inc. ) then I would rather become an atheist. At least the atheist group are straight up on where they stand and they aren't out trying to pass themselves off as something that they are not.

   It seems that Mr. A. Coulter now backs Mitt Romney as the next presidential candidate for the Repugnican party because, as Coulter put it," He tricked liberals into voting for him. I like a guy who hoodwinks the voters so easily."

   Ann Coulter is basically saying that the voters in this country are somewhat stupid and gullible.

   John McCain and Romney himself attacked the speech but Romney is still being nice with the " Vixen of Venom "  instead of putting her in a locked closet.

   But this is all show for their poor, confused, uneducated followers in order to get a spark out of them as the Repugnicans have nothing else to talk about that would have any truth to it.


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

A) Anyone who is a graduate of lawschool and can pass the bar is far from "ignorant".

B) What Republican pundits are you speaking of? I was at CPAC and have yet to find anyone who supports her comments and is happy about what she said.

Do tell.