Friday, March 02, 2007

Condi Rice Hires Iraq War Critic To Counselor's Position

   This should be an interesting mix!

By Glenn Kessler

Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 2, 2007

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has tapped Eliot A. Cohen, a prominent writer on national security strategy and an outspoken critic of the administration's postwar occupation of Iraq, as her counselor, State Department officials said yesterday.

Cohen would replace Philip D. Zelikow, a longtime Rice associate who left the administration earlier this year to return to teaching history at the University of Virginia. Despite Cohen's sometimes caustic views on administration policies, officials said he has impressed both Rice and President Bush with his writings, especially "Supreme Command," a study of the relationship between civilian commanders in chief and their military leaders.

So what are Bush and Rice going to do, buy Cohen's change of mind?
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