Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rice Says She's Sure The Iranian People Want Democracy

   Condi Rice was on Fox News Sunday with host Chris Wallace who did the usual question on Iran so I decided to let you read some of the transcript below.


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 Feb. 25, 2007

WALLACE: So as with North Korea, we could live with the current regime if, and it's a big if, they could clean up their act.

RICE: Well, I have no doubt that the Iranian people want to be like other people, capable of carrying out their freedom of having greater pluralism in their politics. All of that is important.

The president has made very clear that around the world we're going to continue to advocate for democracy. We are. However, with Iran, in a situation in which they are in defiance of the international community and they need to change that behavior, then we can talk about everything.

And we'll talk about it with this regime. I've said that I am prepared to meet my counterpart or an Iranian representative at any time if Iran will suspend its enrichment and reprocessing activities. That should be a clear signal.

WALLACE: Now, Senate Democrats say that they want to modify the authorizing of the U.S. combat role within a year. If that goes through, would the president feel bound by such a measure?

RICE: Well, I think the president is going to, as commander in chief, need to do what the country needs done. And I can't imagine a circumstance in which people are trying to manage the flexibility of our commanders to do what they think they need to do on the ground, to take on the enemy that they face, when they face that enemy, to send troops to do that, to rely on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the service chiefs to determine the training levels.

I can't imagine a circumstance in which it's a good thing that their flexibility is constrained by people sitting here in Washington, sitting in the Congress, trying to micromanage this war. I just don't think it's a good thing.

   Miss Rice must have a brick in her head. I'm sure that the citizens of Iran look over at the democracy that the Iraqi people have and just wish for a taste of democracy.

   Has it not occurred to those in Washington that not everyone in this world wants to be like the United States?