Saturday, March 03, 2007

al-Maliki To Reshuffle His Cabinet, US Stuck In Iraq For Long Term

Iraqi P.M. Nouri al-Maliki has said that he will reshuffle his cabinet in the near future as he is under alot of pressure to take more of the responsibility for the security issues in Iraq.

    al-Maliki told the associated Press that the reshuffling would take place "either this week or next week."       Source

    He also threatened to order the arrest of parliament members and other political leaders suspected of supporting extremists.     AP

    You know that al-Maliki would be half way decent if he was not so afraid of some of the other groups in Iraq that do not care for the United States and it's Iraq policy. Sometime I think that those groups have a valid reason for raising hell as I would not want another country in my own as an occupying power either. Let's face it, the United States is an occupier and not a liberator in Iraq.

    As much as most of us would like to see our troops out of Iraq and back home in the states, this is not going to happen for a long time, if ever. George Bush and his new world order group have made sure that we cannot leave Iraq or anywhere else in the middle east. It is going to get much worse for this country before ( if ) it gets any better because our president and his hoods have led us down the road of no return. I would say that the real construction on the road to nowhere started with George's daddy and it is not going to stop anytime soon mainly because the people of the United States have grown complacent and many have kept themselves purposefully ignorant and have buried their heads in the sand.

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