Saturday, March 03, 2007

Department of Justice Wants Website's To Perform "Data Retention"

     In another effort to keep up with the citizen's activities in the United States, the Bush Department of Constitutional Shredding is having the U.S. Department of Justice officials seek web site's  co-operation in keeping records of who uploads photographs or videos to their sites. This is just in case the long arm of the law decides that the content is illegal and they wish to investigate the matter.    Source

      The Bush Department of Constitutional Shredding just doesn't know how to stop their bullshit! Of course, they are also using the terrorist threat along with the child porn tactic. I'm all for keeping those pervs off line and locked up but let's get real here. This entire scam is still about keeping track of everything that we look at either in picture form or text or whatever and it's about knowing where we live and what we do when we are online, whether legal or not.   



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