Sunday, February 25, 2007

Condi Says Democrat Congress Shouldn't Interfere In Conduct Of Iraq War

  Condi Rice is once again talking the GOP line if crap as far as the war in Iraq goes.

Yahoo News   February 25,2007

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged the Democratic-controlled Congress not to interfere in the conduct of the Iraq war and suggested President Bush would defy troop withdrawal legislation.

Rice said proposals being drafted by Senate Democrats to limit the war amounted to "the worst of micromanagement of military affairs." She said military leaders such as Gen. David Petraeus, the new U.S. commander in Iraq, believe the president's plan to send more troops is necessary.

"I can't imagine a circumstance in which it's a good thing that their flexibility is constrained by people sitting here in Washington, sitting in the Congress," Rice said. She was asked in a broadcast interview whether Bush would feel bound by legislation seeking to withdraw combat troops within 120 days.

"The president is going to, as commander in chief, need to do what the country needs done," she said.

   First off Condi, the country wants the United States out of Iraq. that would mean our troops back in their American homes and not some tent in the desert.

   Miss Rice, have you become just as dense and stupid as the rest of the Bush Crime Family has become, or have you always been this way from birth?

  Secondly, our Constitution, you know what that is I'm sure, gives the congress all of the right in the world to micro-manage any war as they see fit. It also gives our congress the right to tell Bush to go to hell if the congress so desires to do so. It also gives our congress the right to stop this war in no uncertain terms if they grow the balls to do so. Our Constitution also gives our congress the right to stop the funding of any war if they choose to do so!

  What part of this do you idiots up in the White house not understand? It is not up to Bush or you or Cheney or anyone to make the decisions concerning this sham of a war. Congress has the final authority whether you and the rest of the Crime Family like it or not!



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