Saturday, March 03, 2007

Giuliani Tops The " Israeli Index " As Best For Israel

    Did you know that the country of Israel has a panel which rates our presidential contenders? I'm not kidding ! It is called the panel of the " Israeli index " and it keeps track of those running for president and it's purpose is to rate the candidates on whether or not they show the most interest for Israel.

   Right now the panel says that they believe that Rudy Giuliani is the most friendly to Israel. After Giuliani comes Hillary Clinton and then John McCain according to the six members of this panel.

    Five of the panel members think that Al Gore is one among the Democrats who is "best for Israel."  Though he is not a presidential candidate he is included in the listing because his popularity is growing and they feel that this gives Gore a chance to enter the race at a later time if he chooses to do so. Source


In any case, anyone who was connected with the Clinton administration and also dealt with Israeli subjects is at the top of the Democratic list of the panel: Clinton, Gore and Richardson, who was Clinton's ambassador to the UN. The only exception to this rule is former general Wesley Clark, who is not planning to run for sure, but who was an important military figure during the Clinton era, albeit not in the arena that has a direct connection with Israel.

A favorable candidate, the members felt, should be one who has "an emotional attachment to what Israel symbolizes, is attentive to the opinions of American Jewry and views Israel as an ally in the struggle against world Islamic terror." Other points were: "ideological partnership," "readiness to use force if needed," "ties with the Jewish community" as well as "hawkishness on security matters and a unilateral international approach," "consideration for Israel's position vis-a-vis Middle East policy," "support for defensible borders," and "deep understanding for the essence of Zionism and insight into the Arabs' hostility." But some of the panel members would also like to see "a candidate who is able to deal with the dangers in our region in a realistic fashion. That is, to deal with them in a patient way and not merely to 'hit and run.'"
A candidate who is less favorable to Israel is one "who will neglect dealing with the Middle East," who is connected to "oil interests," who is sensitive to "international institutions" and "believes in close cooperation with the UN and European Union," who "has a Middle East policy that is independent of Israel," who is "placatory toward Iran," who is "not connected to the Jewish community," and who lacks understanding and sensitivity "for Jewish history."