Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Laura Bush "...what we see on television is the one bombing a day that discourages everybody."

   In case you've missed it, there are alot of comments going around after Bush's wife, Laura, appeared on Larry King Live last evening. I missed the show so I have been going the transcript to see what Laura had to say.

    I must say that she is about as impressive as a pair of shoes on a goat! She is about as confused, incompetent and stupid as her husband is. No wonder they like each other.

   Read some for yourself BELOW

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Interview With Laura Bush

Aired February 26, 2007

KING: Has the war -- I don't know if it's a good term -- worn you down? I mean, the public, obviously the -- more people disapprove than approve. It's hurt the standing of the presidency.
What has it done to you?
BUSH: Well, of course, it's wearing, wearying. There's no doubt about it. And I understand how the American people feel and that they feel like things aren't going like we want them to there.
On the other hand, I know how important it is for us to continue to help the Iraqis and that to leave now would be a serious mistake. And I really agree with the president on that, that the Iraqi government needs to get up and running as fast as they can.
And, of course, we want our troops to come home. Nobody wants war. No one's pro-war. We want the -- to be able to have a democracy there, to have the people in Iraq, who have been oppressed by a dictatorship for all these years, to be able to build a good government that represents everyone. And I think it'll happen.
Is it going to be fast?
No. And we never expected it to be fast.
KING: So it's going to be going on when you leave office?
BUSH: Probably. I mean I have no idea and there's no way I could predict. But I hope not. I hope that they can build their government and reconcile with each other and build a country. This is their opportunity to seize the moment, to build a really good and stable country. And many parts of Iraq are stable now. But, of course, what we see on television is the one bombing a day that discourages everybody.

   One bombing a day? What kind of drugs are this bit idiot doing? Maybe we should all pitch in and get her a calculator because her math does not add up.